Upcoming symposia

"The future of truth?"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 7-10, 2025
Program committee within the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Education Committee:
Anders Ynnerman, Anna Danielsson, Björn Åstrand, Linnéa Stenliden, Karolina Broman and Pernilla Nilsson.

"Institutional Perspectives on Universities:
The Role of Leadership, Administration, Stakeholders and Risks"

Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 21-23. 2025
Program committee: Jürgen Enders (Chair), Helena Buescu, Lars Engwall, Milena Zic Fuchs and Marijk van der Wende.

"Phage-bacteria interactions: the molecular battle for control of the central dogma"
August 20-23, 2025
Program committee: Vasili Hauryliuk, Michael T Laub, Karin Holfeldt and Gemma Atkinson.

For further information, contact Maria Helgöstam
Tel: 08-736 98 15
E-mail: maria.helgostam@swgc.org