Previous symposia

"The Biology of Autoimmune Encephalitis"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
September 11-14, 2024
Program committee: Jakob Theorell, Frank Leypoldt and Christine Nilsson

"Embracing the Alphafold Revolution: Unveiling the Future of Structural Biology" 
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 29 - June 1, 2024
Program committee: Arne Elofsson, Marta Carroni, Gunnar von Heijne, Martin Högbom and Luca Jovine

"Academic Freedom in Twenty-First Century"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 15-17, 2024
Program committee: Lars Engwall, Christine Musselin och Peter Scott

"Small molecule signaling across the tree of life with focus on nucleotide signaling"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
August 16-19. 2023
Program committee: Nelson O. Gekara, Erik Holmqvist, Ute Römling and Christopher M. Walters.

"Publishing in Academia: Digital Challenges"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 10-12, 2023
Program committee: Lars Engwall, Kirsten Drotner, Theo D'haen and Marcel Swart.

"Global History and the Modern World"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
August 17-20, 2022
Program committee: Björn Wittrock, Sir David Cannadine and Simon Goldhill.

"Internationalization and Academic Mobility in the 21st Century"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
June 1-4, 2022
Program committee within the Young Academy of Sweden:
Frida Bender, Ewa Machotka, Mia Liinason and Philippe Tassin.

"Mechanistic Homogeneous Catalysis - A meeting between theory and experiment"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
September 4-7, 2019
Organizing committee: Fahmi Himo and Kálmán J Szabó.

"Amyloid diseases: from biochemistry to clinical applications"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
August 14-17, 2019
Organizing committee: Astrid Gräslund, Agneta Nordberg, Per Roos, Pernilla Wittung Stafshede and Sebastian Wärmländer.

"Mind the Gap - Bridging Secondary and Higher Education"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 15-18, 2019
Organizers: Academia Europaea; Erik De Corte, Svend Erik Larsen, Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Mikael Oliveberg and Peter Scott.

"Quality and Equity of Schooling"
Wenner-Gren Center / KVA - Stockholm
September 12 - 15, 2018
Organizing committee within the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Education Committee:
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Ola Helenius, Per Kornhall and Pernilla Nilsson.

"The age of humans in Europe"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
August 29 - September 1, 2018
Organizing committee: Anders Götherström and Mattias Jakobsson.

"Antibiotic resistance: Evolutionary concepts versus clinical realities"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 30 - June 2, 2018
Organizing committee: Dan I. Andersson, Sanna Koskiniemi and Linus Sandegren.

"Knowledge resistance and how to cure it"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
September 6-9, 2017
Organizing Committee: Arne Jarrick, Dan Larhammar and Åsa Wikforss.

"Planetary atmospheres: on Earth, in the solar system, and on exoplanets"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
June 14-17, 2017
Organizing committee: Lennart Bengtsson, Alexis Brandeker, Markus Janson and Michael Way.

"Crossing over to the future: Interdisciplinarity in research and higher education"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 18-20, 2017
Organizing committee: Academia Europaea; Milena Zic Fuchs, Erik De Corte, Lars Engwall, Svend Erik Larsen and Bert Weckhuysen.

"Research and policymaking in education"
Wenner-Gren Center / Kungl. Vetenskaps-akademien - Stockholm
September 7-10, 2016
Organizing committee: Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Ola Helenius, Per Kornhall, Britt Lindahl, Pernilla Nilsson and Dan Larhammar

"Host-microbe interactions in the gut: from model systems to human disease"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
June 15-18, 2016
Organizing committee: Ylva Engström, Peter Bergman and Fredrik Bäckhed

"Brown adipose tissue and euthermia"

Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 25-28, 2016
Organizing committee: Barbara Cannon, Jan Nedergaard, Stefan Herzig and Sven Enerbäck.

"Coevolution of receptors and ligands"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
September 9-12, 2015
Organizing Committee: Dan Larhammar, Abdel El Manira, Finn Hallböök and Klas Kullander

"Nuclear Dynamics: Design (and) Principles"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm 
August 19-22, 2015
Organizing Committee: Piergiorgio Percipalle, Maria Vartiainen, Neus Visa and Ann-Kristin Östlund Farrants

"Emerging Models of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education: From Books to MOOCs?"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 21-23, 2015
Organizing Committee: The Academia Europaea; Erik De Corte, Lars Engwall, Ulrich Teichler and Denis Weaire 

"Teacher Competence and the Teaching Profession"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm (September 10-12)
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences - Stockholm (September 13)
September 10-13, 2014
Organizing Committee: the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences Education Committee; 
Jan-Eric Gustafsson, Per Kornhall, Dan Larhammar, Britt Lindahl and Elisabet Nihlfors

"Regulatory RNAs in microbes: mechanisms, evolution,and biological roles"

Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
August 27-30, 2014
Organizing Committee: Gerhart Wagner, Magnus Lundgren and Fredrik Söderbom 

"DNA metabolism"

Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 21-24, 2014
Organizing Committee: Lars Thelander, Astrid Gräslund, Staffan Eriksson, Maria Falkenberg and Erik Johansson.

"Meiosis and chromosome segregation - a mammalian perspective"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
August 28-31, 2013
Organizing Committee: Christer Höög, Marie-Hélène Verlhac, Yoshinori Watanabe and Scott Keeney

"Evolution and plasticity of marine organisms in achanging world"
The Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences
May 29 - June 1, 2013
Organizing Committee: Mike Thorndyke, Sam Dupont, Kerstin Johannesson and Eva Marie Rödström

"Bibliometrics: Use and abuse in the review of research performance"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 23 - 25, 2013
Organizing Committee: Academia EuropaeaWim Blockmans, Erik De Corte, Lars Engwall, Jan Reedijk and Denis Weaire

"Cultural evolution - patterns of cultural change and diversification"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
September 12-15, 2012
Organizing Committee: Magnus Enquist, Kimmo Eriksson, Kerstin Lidén, Arne Jarrick and Janken Myrdal

"Mitochondrial Molecular Biology"
The Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences -
June 13-16, 2012
Organizing Committee: Claes Gustafsson, Maria Falkenberg and Nils-Göran Larsson

"Reality and Myth: A symposium on Axel Wenner-Gren"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 30-31, 2012
Organizing Committee: Ilja Luciac and Bertil Daneholt

"Cardiac regeneration"
Berns - Stockholm
May 9-12, 2012
Organizing Committee: Jonas Frisén, Pontus Boström, Emil Hansson and Stefan Jovinge.

"Actin and actin-associated proteins from gene to polysomes"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
September 7-10, 2011
Organizing Committee: Piergiorgio Percipalle, Thoru Pederson, Neus Visa and Ann-Kristin Östlund Farrants

"Animal Migration"
The Sven Lovén Centrre for Marine Sciences Kristineberg/Fiskebäckskil
June 8-11, 2011
Organizer: Thomas Alerstam (in collaboration with the Centre for animal Movement Research at Lund University) and Michael Thorndyke

"The role of trust in higher education:ethical and quality standards in research and teatching"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 26-28, 2011
Organizing Committee: Academia Europaea - Lars Engwall, Jürgen Mittelstrass, Jan Reedijk and Peter Scott.

"The Chemistry & Biology of Reactive Oxygen Species"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
September 8-11, 2010
Organizing Committee: Nils-Göran Larsson, Arne Holmgren & Mike Murphy

"Adaptive responses during plant development & evolution"
The Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences - Fiskebäckskil
June 30 - July 3, 2010
Organizing Committee: Ove Nilsson, Detlef Weigel and Mike Thorndyke

"Inflammation in Atherosclerosis: Activators & Mediators"
Berns - Stockholm
May 26-29, 2010
Organizing Committee: Göran K. Hansson, John Andersson and Magnus Bäck

"From Information to Knowledge; from Knowledge to Wisdom: Challenges and changes facing higher education in the digital age"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
November 5-7, 2009
Organizing Committee: Academia Europaea (Erik De Corte, Jens Erik Fenstad, Denis Weaire and Töres Theorell)

"Origin of Species - 150 years later"
The Sven Lovén Centre for Marine Sciences - Fiskebäckskil
June 10-13, 2009
Organizing Committee: Hans Ellegren, Staffan Ulfstrand and
Michael Thorndyke.

"Alzheimer therapy: still a challenge"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 6-9, 2009
Organizer: Agneta Nordberg

"Human Evolution"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
November 5-8, 2008
Organizing Committee: Staffan Ulfstrand, Magnus Enquist, Ulf Gyllensten, Peter Gärdenfors, Olle Leimar, Svante Pääbo, Lars Werdelin and Arne Öhman

Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
September 10-13, 2008
Organizing Committee: Karl Ekwall and Bertil Daneholt

"Theoretical Biochemistry - Methods and Applications"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 14-17, 2008
Organizing Committee: Fahmi Himo, Per Siegbahn and Hans Ågren

"Building complex brains"
Kristineberg Marine Research Station - Fiskebäckskil
June 11-14, 2008
Organizing Committee: Carlos Ibáñez and Michael Thorndyke

"Biodiversity and its variation in time and space"
The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences - Stockholm
November 14-17, 2007
Organizer: The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences

"The University in the Market"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
November 1-3, 2007
Organizer: Academia Europaea

"The Human Skin Barrier As a Biomembrane Model"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
June 27-30, 2007
Organizer: Lars Norlén
Organizing Committee: Lars Norlén, Ole Mouritsen, Jean Gruenberg, Patricia Bassereau and Håkan Wennerström

"Mating System Evolution"
Kristineberg Marine Research Station - Fiskebäckskil
May 30 - June 2, 2007
Organizer: Malte Andersson
Organizing Committee: Malte Andersson, Stevan Arnold, MichaelThorndyke and Birgitta Tullberg

"Transcriptional Control of Neural Development"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
September 13-16, 2006
Organizer: Björn Vennström
Organizing Committee: Björn Vennström, Johan Ericson, Thomas Perlmann and Ola Hermanson

"Networks in Motion"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
August 30 - September 2, 2006
Organizer: Sten Grillner
Organizing Committee: Sten Grillner, Abdel El Manira, Ole Kiehn, Serge Rossignol and Paul S.G. Stein

"Mutation, Selection and Genome Evolution"
Wenner-Gren Center - Stockholm
May 10-13, 2006
Organizer: Hans Ellegren
Organizing Committee: Hans Ellegren, Brian Charlesworth, Laurence Hurst and Wen-Hsiung Li

Kristineberg Marine Research Station
June 14-17, 2006
Organizer: Thomas Nyström,
Organizing Committee: Thomas Nyström, Vilhelm Bohr, Heinz Osiewacz and Michael Thorndyke

"The Formative Years of Scholars"
Haga Forum - Solna
November 9-11, 2005
Organizers:Academia Europaea and Wenner-Gren Stiftelserna
Organizing Committee: Ulrich Teichler, Bertil Daneholt and Jens Erik Fenstad.

"Marine cyanobacteria: evolution, function and genomes"
Haga Forum - Solna
August 24-27, 2005
Organizer: Birgitta Bergman
Organizing Committee: Birgitta Bergman, Ed J. Carpenter and Sven Janson

"Phenotypic diversity and evolution"
Kristineberg Marine Research Station -Fiskebäckskil
June 1-4, 2005
Organizer: Leif Andersson
Organizing Committee: Leif Andersson, Svante Pääbo, Michael Thorndyke and Christer Wiklund

"Cell-penetrating peptides and applications"
Elite Palace Hotel - Stockholm
May 18-21, 2005
Organizer: Ülo Langel
Organizing Committee: Ülo Langel, Alain Prochiantz, Bernard Lebleu, Frederic Heitz, Steven Dowdy, Erkki Ruoslahti and Astrid Gräslund