Publikationer från Wenner-Gren symposier

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Eye Movements in Reading
Editors: Jan Ygge and Gunnar Lennerstrand
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 64. 
Pergamon, Elsevier, Oxford 1994 (374 pages).

Active Hearing
Editors: Åke Flock, David Ottoson and Mats Ulfendahl
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 65
Pergamon, Elsevier, Oxford 1995 (376 pages).

Challenges and Perspectives in Neuroscience
Editors: David Ottoson, Tamas Bartfai, Tomas Hökfelt and Kjell Fuxe.
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 66
Pergamon, Elsevier, Oxford 1995 (376 pages)

Life and Death in the Nervous System
Editors: Carlos F. Ibanez, Tomas Hökfelt, Lars Olson, Kjell Fuxe, Hans Jörnvall and David Ottoson.
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 67.
Pergamon, Elsevier, Oxford 1995 (472 pages).

Molecular mechanisms of Neuronal Communication
Editors: Kjell Fuxe, Tomas Hökfelt, Lars Olson, David Ottoson, Annica Dahlström and Anders Björklund.
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 68.
Pergamon, Elsevier, Oxford 1996 (282 pages).

Goals and Purposes of Higher Education in the 21st Century
Editor: Arnold Burgen
Jessica Kingsley Publishers, London and Bristol 1996 (222 pages).

Politics and Culture in the Age of Christina
Editor: Marie-Louise Rodén
Suecoromana Studia Artis Historiae Instituti Romani Regni Sueciae IV.
Stockholm 1997 (130 pages).

Genetics and Psychiatric Disorders
Editor: Jan Wahlström
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 69
Pergamon, Elsevier, Oxford 1998 (327 pages).

Basic Sensory Mechanisms in Cognition and Language
With special reference to phonological problems in dyslexia.
Editors: Curt von Euler, Ingvar Lundberg and Rodolfo Llinas.
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 70
Pergamon, Elsevier, Oxford 1998 (302 pages).

ConnectiveTissue Biology: Integration and Reductionism
Editors: Rolf K. Reed and Kristofer Rubin.
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 71
Portland Press, London 1998 (299 pages).

The Chemistry, Biology and Medical Applications of Hyaluronan and Its Derivatives
Editor: Torvard C. Laurent
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 72
Portland Press, London 1998 (341 pages).

The impact of Electronic Publishing on the Academic Community
Editor: Ian Butterworth
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 73
Portland Press, London 1998 (191 pages).

Editors: Mattias Aurell and Hans Ulfendahl.
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 74
Portland Press, London 1998 (250 pages).

Galanin: Basic Research, Discoveries and Therapeutic Implications.
Editors: Thomas Hökfelt, Tamas Bartfai and Jacqueline Crawley.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences Vol 863, 1998 (469 pages).

Is there a Neurobiology of Love?
Editors: Kerstin Uvnäs and C. Sue Carter.
Psychoneuroendocrinology Vol 23, pp. 749-1013, 1998.

Lifelong Learning Policy Research
Editors: Albert Tuijnman and Tom Schuller
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 75
Portland Press, London, 1999 (226 pages).

Regulatory Processes in Development
Editors: Carl-Olof Jacobson and Lennart Olsson
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 76
Portland Press, London 2000 (194 pages).

Plant Systematics for the 21st Century
Editors: Bertil Nordenstam, Gamal El-Ghazaly and Mohamed Kassas
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 77
Portland Press, London 2000 (366 pages).

Advances in Strabismus Research: Basic and Clinical Aspects
Editors: Gunnar Lennerstrand and Jan Ygge
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 78
Portland Press, London 2000 (221 pages).

Volume transmission revisited
Editors: Luigi Agnati, Kjell Fuxe, Charles Nicholson and Eva Syskova, Progress in Brain Research, volume 125, Elsevier Science, Oxford 2000 (450 pages).

Virtual University? Educational Environments of the Future
Editor: Henk J. van der Molen
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 79
Portland Press, London 2001 (152 pages).

Everyday Biological Stress Mechanisms
Editor: Töres Theorell
Advances in Psychosomatic Medicine, volume 22 Editor T N Wise, Karger AG, Basel 2001 (155 pages).

Symmetry 2000
Editors: Istvan Hargittai and Torvard Laurent
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 80, Part 1 and 2, Portland Press, London 2002 (627 pages).

Editors: Gunnar Ronquist and Ove Nilsson
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 81
Portland Press, London, 2002 (157 pages)

Excellence in Higher Education
Editor: Erik De Corte
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 82
Portland Press, London 2003 (231 pages)

The Formative Years of Scholars
Editor: Ulrich Teichler
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 83
Portland Press, London 2006 (120 pages)

The University in the Market
Editors: Lars Engwall and Denis Weaire
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 84
Portland Press, London 2008 (157 pages)

From Information to Knowledge; from Knowledge to Wisdom
Editors: Erik De Corte and Jens Erik Fenstad
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 85
Portland Press, London 2010 (149 pages)

Trust in Universities
Editors: Lars Engwall and Peter Scott
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 86
Portland Press, London 2013 (193 pages)

Bibliometrics: Use and Abuse in the Review of Research Performance
Editors: Wim Blockmans, Lars Engwall and Denis Weaire
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 87
Portland Press, London 2014 (150 pages)

From Books to MOOCs? Emerging Models of Learning and Teaching in Higher Education
Editors: Erik De Corte, Lars Engwall and Ulrich Teichler
Wenner-Gren International Series, volume 88
Portland Press, London 2016 (173 pages)